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  • flissfraser

Re opening 2021

With luck, Ivy Cottage and Bramble Bothy will be reopening on April 26th.

We are excited and nervous, we've had no guests for such a long time, it's going to feel strange for a while.

We are busy prepping the house which means a bit of painting, some fixing, buying in more supplies making everything just so and finalising a strategy that will make everyone - guests and us - feel comfortable.

We were toying with the idea of getting two smaller dining tables so guests from different places can eat separately but our big dining table is an integral part of our family, all my children have grown up with it, so we've decided to keep it and make it work as best we can.

We've been busy in the garden too, though it's been too cold for us to plant anything outside yet, even the tatties, in the polytunnel everything is growing. The strawberries have woken up and are starting to flower and the raspberries are trying to take up as much space as possible - hoping for a good crop this year.

The peas are up as are some salad, chard and spinach. My self seeded rocket is everywhere....

Seedlings of tomatoes, courgettes, cucumber and sunflowers are are all doing well.

looking forward to lots of lovely produce this year.

My polytunnel is one of my favourite places to be whether it's to garden or just sit down in the warm and relax.

As everything has been so uncertain, I haven't organised a helper for this season, so please bear with me if I have a lot to do... We work hard on the islands to make everything seem very tranquil and easy going but you should know that it is hard work and that sometimes things just have to wait a while.

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